A new Barbie restaurant was inaugurated on 31st January in Taipei. It’s a place entirely dedicated to the legendary Mattel doll and it is a tridimensional expression of the fantasy world of Barbie. The design of the decor is fully integrated with a coordinated and cromatic image and not even the waitresses are excluded from the idea. The furniture is almost detached from its purpose as all the objects belong to the realm of fantasy rather than to the real world of ordinary real life to the benefit of the young customers the restaurant was designed for. A unique experience for all the lovers of the most famous doll of all times.
Source :http://edition.cnn.com/2013/01/31/travel/taipei-barbie-cafe/index.html
credo che l’Asia sia il target più adatto a questi esperimenti commerciali…la plastic girl tutta rosa e chiccherie incontra senz’altro la domanda delle teen agers dell’estremo oriente!