Il mondo del retail è in costante evoluzione, e l’esperienza di acquisto sta subendo una trasformazione epocale. In questo articolo, esploreremo da vicino le tendenze chiave che stanno ridefinendo il concetto di negozio, concentrandoci sull’importanza dello spazio come luogo di relazione, il visual merchandising sostenibile, l’utilizzo di materiali da costruzione derivati da “materie seconde,” la...Read More
New concept: The appart, that is an ‘apartment’ of only 200 square meters, in the city center, more focused on the services and teaching of different DIY activities, compared to the classic sale of products. Article only in Italian >> Leggi articolo completo su di Kiki LabRead More
Here is a different way of shopping.Solebox – company distributing sport shoes and clothes – has introduced in its Berlin Store an area dedicated to innovation. You cannot find on the shelf the right size you are looking for? Would you prefer a different color? It’s very easy: just go in the dedicated area, digit...Read More
Are you looking for a place where innovation can be easily available for everyone? A place where you can find the right way to give shape to your ideas? A place where fans and experts can share their experience with you? Today this place is available! At the end of June Makerland opened the doors to...Read More
The world of retail is always on the look out for new ways to make sure that customers can be involved and become loyal to the stores they visit. Now more that ever it is now well understood that technology and its latest innovations can be key factors in this constant desire to attract consumers. Technology...Read More
Addio Pizzo –Bye Bye Pizzo– is a Sicilian non-profit organization of volunteers and its very name symbolizes the purpose of the project. Several and different economical sectors and businessmen are involved with the common goal of fighting the idea of having to pay pizzo. Quite recently I’ve had the chance to visit one of the more...Read More
Zero Waste Shops London
L'experience online e offline di Intime in Cina post emergenza Coronavirus
5 Retail Innovation That Is Changing The World in 2020
Huawei Authorized Smart Robotic Arm self-shopping
Building a Department Store of the Future